Author Archives: BNGadm1n1strat0r

Minutes 2019 Draft for Approval

Minutes 2019 draft for approval

Notice of Stockholders mtg 2020

Notice of stockholders mtg 2020

Summary of Board Resolutions fy 2019-2020

Summary of Board Resolutions fy 2019-2020

Calendar of Activities 2020

Calendar of Activities 2020

Online Booking

ADVISORIES: From The Management

Online TEE TIME Testing and LIVE Implementation

August 6, 2020

Dear Members,

In preparation for the implementation of our online booking, the system is now ready for members’ testing. Please click our URL . Please use the email address you registered with us. The tutorial on how to use the system is also attached to this email. The start of live implementation will be on August 19 and booking can be made starting August 13, 2020.

For concerns, please send email to

Thank you and looking forward in serving you again.

The Management


DATE JULY 28, 2020

We are pleased to announce that soon we will be implementing our ONLINE tee time reservations system. This can be done anytime, anywhere. Any gadget with internet access can be used for booking.

In line with this, everyone is requested to send email with your full name and account number to on or before July 31, 2020. This will serve as your registration to access the online system. An email for tutorial on how to use the system will be provided as well as the announcement of LIVE implementation. The ONLINE system will observe the same policy as manual booking except for the booking hours.

In this regard, we appeal to everyone, for safety and security of your privacy, to use your Gmail account. Members without email address are encouraged to create your personal email. If in case, you need our help in creating an email address, our staff is willing to assist you.

Thank you and we are hoping for your usual support.

Notice to stockholders and Nomination form


Pursuant to Section 1, Article IV of the By-Laws, the Nomination Committee for the September 27, 2020 Election of Directors invites you to submit the name/names of your nominees for consideration and inclusion as candidate/s for election to the Board of Directors. Please submit your nominations to the Office of the President not later than 5:00 p.m. of July 31, 2020.

The Committee is mandated to nominate a minimum of four (4) but not to exceed six (6) candidates for election. Members who are not chosen may still be nominated pursuant to the same provision of the By-Laws, however their names may not appear in the Proxy Form to be distributed to the Stockholders, to wit:

“Any five (5) stockholders may nominate additional candidates for the Board by posting a signed list not later than ten (10) days before the Annual Meeting.”

Only Stockholders in good standing may be nominated. All qualified candidates must have a written acceptance of their nomination filed with the Office of the President.




Click Here To Download Nomination Form

NOTICE: June 23, 2020